This course involves lessons which lead students through a stepwise, progressive enumeration of groups of Dhammas similar to that found in the Aṅguttara Nikāya. The Course is broken up into Eight Units with each unit providing enough material for a suggested two weeks of in-depth study. The course discussion forum hosted through Discord can be reached through the link to the right.

1.2 – Protectors of the World (Hiri and Ottappa)


Reffered to as the Protectors of the World or the Bright Dhammas, this pair of virtues – conscience (hiri) and fear of wrongdoing (ottappa) – form the basis both for personal integrity and communal harmony. In this lesson, we will examine these wholesome mental qualities through the lens of primary texts and modern exegesis to see how they can best be practiced and lived.

You may download the topic’s flashcard deck on Quizlet or Anki for further study.

Pre-test yourself

1) Definitions

  1. Hiri
    1. conscience
    2. self-respect
    3. sense of shame
    4. Extra: conscientiousness; dignity
  2. Ottappa
    1. concern
    2. scruples
    3. fear of wrongdoing
    4. Extra: moral dread

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2) Sutta Selections

  1. Hiri
    1. AN 2.9
    2. SN 1.18
  2. Ottappa
    1. Iti 42

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3) Ancient Commentary

  1. Hiri
    1. [Visuddhimagga XIV.142]
  2. Ottappa
    1. [Visuddhimagga XIV.142]

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4) Modern Commentary

  1. Hiri
    1. Ajahn Thanissaro “The Road to Nirvana is Paved with Skillful Intentions”
    2. Sayagi U Chit Tin “Two Guardians ot the World”
  2. Ottappa
    1. Bhikkhu Bodhi “The Guardians of the World”
    2. Sayagi U Chit Tin “Two Guardians ot the World”

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