The Buddha’s Birth:
Ajahn Jayasāro Reads Grevel Lindop

by Grevel Lindop and Ajahn Jayasāro | June 7, 2020

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‘Great sage, as the planets bring 
In the circle of time what is old again to light, 
It seems we live in days of legend. Tonight 
My son sleeps in a room across this court, 
Yet into our mere human house was brought, 
It seems, in the hands of gods. Ten months ago, 
Maya, our queen, as often, went to bestow 
Gifts and alms on the poor and the Brahmin priests 
And other ascetics—for no banquet feasts 
Her heart so much as giving of good gifts, 
Above all when the moon’s energy lifts 
Such acts in power. It was a full-moon day, 
As now. Returned in the noon heat, she lay 
To rest, silk-shaded in an upper room 
But cooled more richly by those webs the loom 
Of dreams throws round the sleep of innocent minds: 
For with that sudden heart-leap that unbinds 
The playful spirit from the heaped body’s trance, 
She found herself pillowed, lifted at once 
Dizzyingly high over a diamond-range 
Of our cragged, needled Himalaya…