Tan Nisabho | Wise Attention – Day Long Zoom Meditation Retreat (7:00 am – 8:00 pm; PT, US)
On Sunday, Jan. 23rd, from 8 am – 9 pm Mountain Time ( 7 am – 8 pm Pacific Time), the Canmore Theravada Buddhist Community will host a virtual retreat with Tan Nisabho on Zoom. The retreat, focusing on the quality of Yoniso Manasikāra, or wise attention, will speak about how our attention determines the world we inhabit, and therefore the quality of our hearts, and offer direction on ways to intentionally steer our awareness towards the wholesome. Participants may join for as much or little of the retreat as they are able. As always, the retreat and teachings are offered free of charge, with nothing expected in return. We hope to see you there!