Home Events Luang Por Munindo | Dhamma Q&A session (9:00 am, UK)


Dec 07 2024


America/ Los Angeles
1:00 am - 3:00 am

Luang Por Munindo | Dhamma Q&A session (9:00 am, UK)

You are invited to join Luang Por Munindo this Saturday, 7th December at 9am UK time (5pm Singapore) as Luang Por offers the final Q&A session for the year 2024.

Please submit your questions in advance using this form
https: bit.ly/ajahnmunindo

DATE: Saturday 7th December 2024
TIME: 9am UK time (5pm SG time)
Zoom ID: 834 4386 9973
Passcode: 123

The session will not be recorded. Anumodana. SADHU.



:: About Luang Por Munindo ::
Luang Por Munindo was first accepted into the bhikkhu sangha under the Venerable Somdet Nyanasamvaro in 1975 and then later under the Venerable Ajahn Chah in 1976. He came to the UK in 1980. After an initial period at Cittaviveka Monastery in West Sussex, he moved to Devon where he led the community in establishing the Devon Vihara. In 1991 he became senior incumbent at Aruna Ratanagiri.

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