Karuna Buddhist Vihara | Almsgiving Ceremony “Clearing the Path to Awakening” (10:30 am – 2:30pm PT, US)
The community of Karuna Vihara looks forward to sharing this joyful time with you all, whether you attend online or in-person. In person you will be joined by Ayya Santacitta of the Aloka Earth Room and Ayya Anandabodhi and Anagarika Bethany of Aloka Vihara. For more than 2500 years, this joyful tradition has been a time to acknowledge the friendship and mutual support of monastics and the lay community. All are welcome to attend for any part of the day.
The Day’s Agenda
10:30 Preparation for Meal Offering
-Vegetarian potluck
11:00 Meal Offering & Rice Pindapata
-Offering rice directly into the monastics’ bowls
-Lunch for the lay community
12:30 Hermitage Tour
1:30 Zoom program begins
-Welcome & Virtual Tour
-Almsgiving Ceremony and Dhamma talks
2:30 Blessing Chants & Closing
Karuna Buddhist Vihara’s Kathina 2023