Home Events Dhammadharini Monastery | Daylong Meditation Program: Honoring the Parinibbana of Mahapajapati Gotami & the Courageous Five Hundred. (7:00 am – 8:30 pm PT, US)


Mar 03 2024


7:00 am - 8:30 pm

Dhammadharini Monastery | Daylong Meditation Program: Honoring the Parinibbana of Mahapajapati Gotami & the Courageous Five Hundred. (7:00 am – 8:30 pm PT, US)

“Patipatti puja” is a gesture of respect for our Kalyanamittas, our spiritual benefactors – honoring them with the highest and most beneficial kind of respect: the offering of our Dhamma practice: listening to and contemplating the Dhamma and training our minds through meditation.
On the Magha full moon on February 25th, we celebrate Magha Puja Sangha Day.
As the Magha full moon remembers the announcement of the impending Parinibbana of the Buddha, so too it also commemorates another event: Mahapajapati Gotami, the foster mother of the Buddha as well as the founding mother of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, decided her own Parinibbana (final nirvana) and commenced seven straight days of offering her final teachings [1,2]. A large number of her awakened bhikkhuni companions who had ordained together with her, thirty years before, decided they would follow her in going to final nirvana also. Then, on the Atthami Uposatha, the lunar eighth day, which is the half moon day following the Magha full moon – the great arahanti Maha Gotami Theri and the Courageous Founding 500 Great Arahanti Bhikkhunis entered their great final nirvana (their Parinibbana) together. The texts remember it as a very special day for the Sangha, with the Buddha himself offering Maha Gotami’s eulogy, her cremains held in his alms bowl in his hands, before their enshrinement in a stupa in Vaishali (Vesali).
In Pali, we call this special day:  Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī saddhiṃ Mahārahantī Pañcasatabhikkuṇīparivārehi Parinibbāṇaṃ Aṭṭhamī
In English translation of the Pali:  The Eighth Day Parinibbana Day of Mahapajapati Gotami together with her 500 Bhikkhuni Arahant Companions
This year, the half moon, the eighth day, is Sunday March 3rd (or it may be on March 4th for those on the other side of the world). Ayya Sobhana, Ayya Suvijjana and Ayya Brahmavara invite you to join them for this Atthami Uposatha in offering Patipatti puja, the gift of our practice.
Meditation and Dhamma reflections will be offered throughout the day, beginning at 7:00am and ending at 8:30pm Pacific Standard Time.
All of the events will be streamed on YouTube.com | Dhammadharini Monastery and facebook.com/dhammadharini  so you can watch live or at your suitable time.
  • 7 am Three Refuges, Eight Uposatha Precepts and guided meditation
  • 9 am Dhamma reflection and guided meditation
  • 1 pm Sutta reflection and meditation
  • 7 pm Dhamma reflection and guided meditation
If you would like to learn more about the inspiring story of Mahapajapati Gotami’s Parinibbana, here are some resources:

Dhammadharini Atthāmī Half Moon Uposatha program