Clear Mountain Monastery | Wednesday Evening Q&A with Ven. Chodron (6:00 pm – 7:30 pm; PT, US)
As part of a growing friendship, Eastern Washington’s Sravasti Abbey and Seattle’s Clear Mountain Monastery will co-host a Q&A session at 6 pm Wed. June 21, with Ven. Thubten Chodron and the two communities, including those joining online (6-6:45 pm via YouTube Livestream and 6:45-7:30 pm via Zoom). Ajahn Nisabho and Ajahn Kovilo, co-founders of Clear Mountain Monastery, will lead an interview with Ven. Chodron in which they, and those joining online, will have the opportunity to ask the founder of Sravasti Abbey about the confluence of the Mahāyāna and Theravāda traditions, Emptiness, building harmonious community, and other questions that come to mind. The shared event represents the first step in a budding relationship bridging Washington and the two traditions.
You may find out more about Sravasti Abbey and Clear Mountain at their respective websites, https://sravastiabbey.org/ and https://www. clearmountainmonastery.org/.
Clear Mountain and Sravasti Abbey Event