Bhikkhuni Dhammadina | Working with the Three Unwholesome Roots: A Practical Approach (9:00 am – 12:00 pm; PT, US)
During this session Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā will offer a practical approach to working with the three unwholesome roots (known as akusala-mūla in Pāli and akuśala-mūla in Sanskrit): namely, greed or lust, aversion or anger, and delusion. This approach is rooted in the early Buddhist teachings. The session will explore meditative and daily life resources aimed at cultivating mindful awareness of how these three roots contribute to the distorted construction of experience, both internally and externally, constricting the heart-mind. This recognition lays the foundation for the progressive path towards freedom from them. Organized by Sati Center for Buddhist Studies.