Home Events Ayya Santussika | Online Four Tuesdays Course: Dispelling Delusion – Exploring the Vipallāsas Through Early Buddhist Poetry (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm; PST, US)


Feb 06 - 27 2024


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Ayya Santussika | Online Four Tuesdays Course: Dispelling Delusion – Exploring the Vipallāsas Through Early Buddhist Poetry (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm; PST, US)

The four Vipallasa or distortions are:
  • seeing what is impermanent as permanent,
  • seeing what is painful as pleasant,
  • seeing what is without a self as a self, and
  • seeing what is not beautiful as beautiful.
This is a concise framework identifying the ways in which we misapprehend reality. Dispelling these distortions leads to seeing the way things actually are: Enlightenment. The poems of the awakened early Buddhist mendicants describe this breakthrough. As we explore this practice and draw upon the encouragement of these enlightened practitioners, we find that we too can do this work.
During this four-week course, we will read and discuss poems from the Therīgāthā and Theragāthā with the intention to apply what we find there in our own practice to dispel our own delusion. Each session will include instruction, meditation and Q&A.
Four Tuesdays: February 6, 13, 20, & 27 at 7:00 – 8:30pm Pacific time.
Organized by Sati Center for Buddhist Studies (California,US).

Ayya Santussika Event