Home EventsAjahn Sucitto | Vassa 2024: Online Dhamma Talk and Q&A (6:00 am – 7:00 am; GMT +8, SGT)
Oct 05 2024
America/ Los Angeles
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Ajahn Sucitto | Vassa 2024: Online Dhamma Talk and Q&A (6:00 am – 7:00 am; GMT +8, SGT)
This Vassa (“Rainy-Season Retreat”), the BuddhaDhamma Foundation makes a sincere invitation and offering to the global community. During the Vassa, ordained monks and nuns stay in one monastery/temple to intensify their spiritual practice such as learning and reading the scriptures and meditation. Lay Buddhist disciples are encouraged to use the Vassa to also intensify their practice by observing the higher precepts such as the eight precepts of morality and try to further develop their spiritual faculties through meditation and listening to Buddhist discourses.
To encourage the global community, the BuddhaDhamma Foundation (“BDF”) will be hosting a *3-month series of Vassa Dhamma Talks and Q&A by Forest Sangha* in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition on Zoom.
Mark your diary to join these Teachers (by alphabetical order) online during VASSA2024.