Clear Mountain | Karuna-Virus Daylong Retreat: A Cure for Feeling Socially-Distanced (9:00 am – 5:00 pm; PT, US)
Develop the Four Boundless Qualities of Heart with Monastics Ajahn Kovilo, Tan Nisabho, and Ayya Cittananda. In this time of pandemic, isolation, and fear, we must turn increasingly to the sense of connection and spaciousness provided mettā, or goodwill. The Buddha’s teachings on the four “divine abodes” of loving-kindness, compassion, rejoicing, and equanimity provide a path towards just such strength of heart. However contagious the coronavirus has proven, karuna, the Buddhist term for compassion, transfers even more easily. Clear Mountain is holding its second daylong retreat on Sat. Jan. 8th, both through Zoom and on Clear Mountain’s YouTube channel (Seattle, WA, USA).
Meeting ID: 870 0049 8161
Passcode: 891451
Clear Mountain YouTube channel